Directed to: Graduate and undergraduate students, young scholars and professionals from social sciences.
Sono aperte le iscrizioni alla summer school in Cile. Scadenza 15 dicembre 2018.
Per la registrazione clicca qui:
Registration for the summer school in Chile is now open. Deadline 15 December 2018.
Click here to register now:
Call for abstract
Call for scholarships
Call for abstract 
Call for scholarships 
I bandi per le scholarship e la call for paper sono chiusi.
The calls for scholarships and call for papers are now closed.
The Social-One and Psy-Com international research networks, in partnership with the Center for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies (COES), under the auspices of the Department of Psychology of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, organizes the international summer school
“Human development for all: social sciences in dialogue for inclusive societies”
In a global scenario that shows deep conflicts in social coexistence and numerous signs of intolerance and exclusion, there is a need to consider the challenge of developing societies that embrace diversity and pluralism in the face of inequalities. An inclusive society aims at promoting both individual and social growth, by enhancing everyone full active participation in social life, irrespective of age, sex, race, ethnicity, disability, origin, religion, economic, or other status. Because we understand social inclusion as a process of improving the terms on which individuals and groups take part in society, our focus will also be on the study of factors and social mechanisms that cultivate both abilities and opportunities for disadvantaged groups.
→ Why an interdisciplinary approach?
Why do some people take care of others and build positive interconnected and cohesive environments, whereas others enhance conflict and social exclusion? Social sciences have a special responsibility in trying to answer the question about which individual, interpersonal and macro-social factors may constitute a society that leaves no one behind (Human Development Report, 2016). Even more, an interdisciplinary dialogue should help to elucidate how the different levels of these factors may interact in ways that ensure a balanced development of both personal potentials and collective social goals.
The Social-One and Psy-Com international research networks seek to promote a vital dialogue among scholars and practitioners for social change, focusing on how enhancing unity in diversity. Over the past ten years psychologists and sociologists from these international networks have devoted their efforts on studying theoretically, empirically and practically concepts such as living together, fraternity, empathy, reciprocity and agapic love, paying great attention to the implications and applications of these notions. Capitalizing from these experiences, the current Summer School will offer a unique environment in which dialogue among participants and its disciplines can be a great tool for building an integrative approach to understand how to overcome social exclusion and support full human development.
→ Why in Chile?
During the last quarter of the century, Chile has experienced a period of sustained economic growth and income per capita has tripled. However, social inequalities, economic concentration and unequal opportunities remain major challenges to social and political stability. A country like Chile, marked by a strong social fragmentation, can be a perfect location to observe and think on different facets of social exclusion/inclusion and on how to ensure human development for everyone.
Learning strategies and modalities
Because the promotion of inclusive societies requires a deep change in goals, approaches, and policies, the role of evidences coming from research is more decisive than ever. Indeed, in the promotion of social transformations, applications and research findings must “walk together”.
In this vein, the summer school will combine both, extended moments of presentations of fundamental topics (key notes lecturers) and dialogues in small interest groups. In particular, the following sessions will take place:
(a) interdisciplinary thematic sessions in which two professors of different disciplines will introduce and guide the discussions, which will include contributions of students and young researchers/professionals and finally will be discussed intergenerationally; (b) working sessions and work-shops for a dialogue between researchers and representatives and practitioners from civil society.
→ Target audience
The summer school is addressed to graduate and undergraduate students of social sciences (particularly, psychology and sociology), young scholars and professionals interested on the topic and willing to present works and researches in line with the school’s themes.
→ The program
The opening of the school will be on January 9th from 10.00 am to 1:00 pm at the Psychology Department of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, in Santiago city.
The rest of the school program will take place in Cunaco (O'Higgins Region), in the Mariapolis Convention Center, two hours apart from Santiago, until January 12th at 2.00 pm (after the lunch). The school will be residential, structured in an interactive way and according to a peer relationship among students and scholars. Research laboratories will be organized with local stakeholders.
The program will comprise:
- Interdisciplinary sessions on the main research streams led by senior scholars and including researches of graduate and undergraduate students and/or young scholars;
- Parallel working session for innovation: “from theory to applications and from good practices to theory: research meets civil society for proposals for inclusive societies”
- Small groups reunions for a dialogue on specific areas of interest;
- Parallel session on methodological issues and assessment tools;
The program will articulate along four research streams:
1. Inclusion, migrations, and ethnic identities
2. Inclusion, poverty and social inequalities
3. Inclusion and gender equity
4. Human development and rights vulnerability
Details of the program will be announced at the end of November.
→ How to participate
For participating to the summer school, it is required to:
- Fill out the application form attached
- Submit a research abstract according to one of the four research streams:
The application form must be sent to → This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The application’s deadline is November 10th, 2018
The applicants will be informed about the result of their application by November 17th.
The abstract must include the conceptual link between the research proposal’s candidate and the topic of the summer school, including an explicit consideration of one of the four research streams. It must not exceed 400 words and must include bibliographical references. Abstracts including empirical (quantitative and/or qualitative) evidences are particularly welcomed. Interventions and assessment of good practices on the four research streams will also be much appreciated.
→ Fees and accommodation
Fees include: accommodation, meals and transportation (Santiago-Cunaco; Cunaco-Santiago):
U$150 (130€)
→ Scholarships
In order to facilitate the participation, graduate and undergraduate students and early stage researchers are welcome to apply for one of the summer school’s scholarships, as follows:
- 100€ → scholarships for candidates based in Chile
- 200€ → scholarships for candidates based in other countries of Latin America
- 400€ → scholarships for candidates based in other countries outside Latin America
The call for scholarship will be also available on-line at